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MAC 魅可 Frosty Frenzy 2023圣诞日历 10折 2023-10-31

  • Sephora Canada 现有 MAC 魅可 Frosty Frenzy 圣诞日历(含21件正装),现特价加元325(约1697元)。

  • 套装包含:

  • - MACStack Mascara-Mega Brush in Black Stack (full size)
    - Tinted Lipglass in Oh Baby (golden bronze with sparkling glitter) (full size)
    - Powder Kiss Liquid Lipstick in Devoted To Chili (warm brick red)
    - Prep + Prime Lip
    - Lipglass in Clear (full size)
    - Brushstroke 24 Hour Liner in Brushblack
    - Colour Excess Gel Pencil Eye Liner in Sterling Shiver (limited edition)
    - Powder Kiss Velvet Blur Slim Stick in Spice World (mid-tone brown) (full size)
    - Mirror (limited edition)
    - Retro Matte Lipstick in Runway Hit (light nude matte) (full size)
    - Eye Shadow in Satin Taupe (taupe with silver shimmer)
    - Pro Longwear Paint Pot in Art Thera Peachy (soft peach)
    - Hyper Real Skincanvas Balm™ Moisturizing Cream (mini size)
    - Retro Matte Lipstick in All Fired Up (bright fuchsia matte) (full size)
    - Lip Pencil in Soar (mid-tone cool mauve)
    - Lustreglass Lipstick in See Sheer (grapefruit pink) (full size)
    - Lip Pencil in Whirl (dirty rose)
    - Eye Shadow in Brun (muted blackish-brown)
    - Hyper Real Serumizer™ Skin Balancing Hydration Serum (deluxe sample)
    - Lustreglass Lipstick in Syrup (blue pink) (full size)
    - Tinted Lipglass in Nymphette (sunny golden pink) (full size)
    - Colour Excess Gel Pencil Eye Liner in Ritzed & Blitzed (limited edition)
    - Powder Kiss Lipstick in Teddy 2.0 (deep-tone beige)
    - Soft Matte Eye Shadow in My Tweedy (muted nude)

  • 无需使用优惠码。

  • 有效期至北京时间 2023年10月31日。

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